How to be funny?

  1. Read books on humor
  2. Don’t be afraid to be different
  3. Look at the funny side of a situation or any situation
  4. Watch funny movies/shows/YouTube videos
  5. Watch standups
  6. Don’t be rude or racist in trying to be funny, in other words be genuine
  7. Know when not to be funny
  8. Memorize some jokes and use them in a suitable situation
  9. Learn what makes funny people funny
  10. Know your target!

You are welcome!

How to decrease stress?

Stress, anxiety, trauma, sounds familiar? Indeed! On a broad base, there are two types of stresses. Minor stress, which are the everyday stresses, e.g being late to a meeting, small arguments with colleague or friends, having to work for longer hours, missing an appointment and etc, etc. The second one is the major stress. This has to do with longterm issues and can have devastating effects on us. For e.g. stress of a divorce, death of a close person, being fired from the job, major illness etc. So what to do when faced with such situations? The following are some of the ways that can help us reduce our anxieties.

  1. Confront them.
    We have to deal with the minor stresses almost on daily basis and we can’t get away from major ones either, although they don’t occur as frequently as the minor ones. So indeed if we have to face these situations, why not confront them in a sensible manner? Why do we have to lose our heads over them? Why can’t we take these situations as they are? Why do we have to be so deeply tensed about them and let them ruin our lives? The rational way to behave when moments of stress knocks your door, is to let them enter, talk to them in details and in a reasonable way. Open up your mind to the whole conversation. Ask questions such as what happened? How did that happen? What are the possible reasons? What is my next step? Unless you do that, you won’t be able to understand the causes of your stress, second, you won’t be in a position to take the next logical step because you weren’t going right about it in the first place. Confrontation should be our priority when faced with moments of despair.

2. Take them as a challenge.
We are faced with all sorts of challenges in our lives. We face challenges of getting good grades, challenges of doing a good job in office, of being a responsible parent, of being healthy and etc. So if you are ready to take those situations as challenges, why shouldn’t you consider “stress” just another battle too? A battle that you wanna have a go at and give your best.

3. Be positive.
You know when we are distressed or anxious, it is not just because of the problems that we are facing but the amount of negativity that we have accumulated in us. “Oh, what is going to happen if i went to work now, is my boss going to fire me? Is he really going to humiliate me in front of all my co-workers? It is all my fault, how couldn’t i get up by the alarm clock? These are the sort of negative thoughts that you want to refrain from. Not only just because they are bad for your health but they are useless, really. How could you compile such a big pile of negative thoughts when you don’t really know what’s going to happen? What’s done is done, you can’t do nothing about it. Sensible approach is to stay positive and hope for the best.

10 movies to watch before you die

1.Godfather (1972).

Apart from the fact that it is considered one of the best movies of all time, it is unique in a way that it not only depicts life of mafias but it teaches you love and affection at the same time. The love of the head of a family for his family, love of a young man for a woman, sense of responsibility, about politics and how loyalty is vital specially to your close ones.

2.Life is beautiful (1997).

The most uplifting movie you could ever watch! The main protagonist is a guy who has immense love in his heart as he chases for the woman of his dreams. His deep affection for his child and how he tries to protect him from the brutalities of the Nazis shows his character of deep strength. If you are a sentimental person, this movie is just for you.

3.Schindler’s list (1993).

True story of a businessman who attempts to save the lives of hundreds of jewish refugees during the holocaust by hiring them in his factories. it conveys us a message for the need to respect and protect every innocent life.

4.Braveheart (1995).

Inspirational, up-lifting account of a Scottish warrior who guides his country to independence against England.

5.The passion of christ (2004).

A biblical drama film depicting the passion of Jesus, although it is criticised for its intense violence, it is a film which would make you realise a lot of things.

6.Ikiru (1952).

A bureaucrat who upon finding about his terminal illness seeks to find meaning in his life. If you are a person who wants to know how one feels when death is next door, this movie is a must watch.

7.To kill a mockingbird (1962).

Story of a lawyer who attempts to defend a black man who at the time had no civil rights. Along with the right to stand with the truth, this movie indicates us how one should up bring their children.

8.Eat, pray, love (2010).

An intriguing story of a woman who had everything a woman desires for. But still she finds herself in the middle of nowhere. Her journey to find answers to her uncertainties is inspiring.

9.A moment to remember (2004).

Heartbreaking, heart-rending, full of grief and a beautifully portrayed love story of two souls. If this film doesn’t make you cry, nothing will.

10.City lights (1931).

A silent romantic comedy film and one of the finest ones of Chaplin. This movie is combination of humour and love, can you ask for anything more fascinating?