How to live the “unpredictable” life?

When you look at your surroundings and really ponder over it, you would come up with a conclusion that of all the things, the most unpredictable, uncertain, is life itself. You never know if you are going to stay alive the next year or the next month or the next day, so and so that you can’t be certain about your chances of being alive the next very moment! A sudden car accident, an unanticipated heart attack or an unexpected fall on the head might be the cause of your death. We never exactly know what might happen. Although, we can predict what we are going to do the next day or week, we might have plans for the next year but those are just our forethoughts, in reality we are as uncertain as anyone could be. Although, not be mistaken, I am a big supporter of future planning, I think its very necessary that we plan ahead of whatever we have in mind and not include ourselves in the, “Lets see what happens” category of people. But, just to give you an idea of the uncertainty of life, according to a statistics, approximately 200,000 athletes die of sudden deaths and in the US, two thirds occur in football and basketball. I am talking about the healthiest of our populations here. Sudden cardiac death in the US (population 300 million) is estimated to occur 180,000 – 250,000 times per year.

So if life is so unpredictable, so unforeseeable, what to do about it?

  1. Find your passion.

What is that one thing that you think you are made for and do it! Don’t set out to do something that you are not passionate about. Find something to which you can say out loud, “WOW! This is what I want to do!” If it’s really hard for you to find that thing, keep on working your butt off until you have found it. Once you have discovered that passion, follow it and be master in it. You see, if you are not doing what you would have liked to do, then you are not living, really. To me and to many others, you are dead already. So set out for what you always wanted to do and give your whole time and energy to it. Life is much more than a 9-5 job!

  1. Be kind.

Don’t hold grudges against anyone. If you have got a situation where it is very difficult for you to forgive someone, come up with a slightest of an excuse and forgive him/her. Try to be kind and affectionate to everyone. And this goes especially to your family-parents, siblings and close friends. Life is too short to be spent resenting someone. I am going to tell you a short story of one of my friends. This friend of mine didn’t have the greatest of relationships with his father. He had spent most of his life hating him; from the day he was a teenage to his adolescents. Reason? He thought his father was being unkind and mean to him. Until recently when one day, he got the news of his death. Oh boy, you wouldn’t want to see such a sight, he cried and cried until his eyes were swollen and his tears were dried up. During the whole time, he was uttering but one thing, “I wish I had made up with him!”

  1. Learn from your mistakes.

As human beings, we are bound to make mistakes and blunders, sometimes we may repeat them, but the sensible thing to do is to learn from them. Take a lesson from your faults and promise yourself not to repeat them again. If you have fought with someone and it is your fault, go and apologize! Don’t wait for the right moment to come along, that is not ever going to happen. You have to make the move and it is better there and then. And please, please! Don’t beat yourself up. Learn from your failures and move on.

  1. Have fun!

In the end, life is too short and too unpredictable to be serious all the time. It is wise to have fun and enjoy every moment of it. Go out, have fun, sit on rides, go to adventures, do things, which you were always scared to do. This is life and our job is to have fun!

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