Why is it important to use your words wisely?

Well, I am no expert in the field to talk about how we should communicate with each other. That being said, I recently came across a talk given by a man who was unable to interact with others for more than a decade! Yes, that’s true. He had developed a brain infection at the age of 12, which prevented him from all means of communication. He was like a living body and nothing else, taken as an infant who is just to be fed. I am not going to go into the details of his story, as I will provide you with the link so that you can listen to his whole narrative in his own words. I just want to let you know my feelings and what we all can learn from his story. What I took away from the talk was the importance of communicating with people. You know, hearing his tale of being unable to express feelings, emotions or simply talking to other people as a sign of a normal human being, left me speechless. It hit me so much so that I have taken a pledge that next time I communicate with someone, specially with my loved ones I will think twice before I utter words out of my mouth. I will not say something, which in normal circumstances would look inappropriate or unkind, words that could hurt them. You know, “words,” which often times we take them so easily for granted could shatter someone’s life and at the same time build them. It could destroy years of relationship or it could be the basis of the beginning of a new one. Therefore, I will use my words wisely! Would you?

The inspirational talk:

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